Better every day

Better every day

All great gains in life, in wealth, relationships, or knowledge, come from the magic of compounding interest, amplifying small gains.

All we need for abundance is to add 1% more than we subtract, on a daily basis.

"I take pride in every time that you see me there's progress."

Continuous improvement is the heartbeat of our community. 


Consistency creates value

When asked how he became one of the greatest basketball players of all time, Kobe Bryant said consistency

Every day, it's just constant improvement, constant curiosity, constantly getting better.

You do that over a period of time-three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten years-you get to where you want to go.

From Atomic Habits, 1% better every day makes you 37x better in one year.

Trust the process

Better Every Day is our promise to keep growing, see each day as an opportunity to improve. Appreciate the small changes that lead to big differences.

Focus on small, daily actions, not big changes. Whether learning new skills, creating good habits, or pausing to reflect, every action counts.
Enjoy the journey, not just the destination.


Stoic successful living

To Seneca, the key to achieving a successful living was to acquire one thing a day — a quote, an idea, an insight, a story.

Something that fortifies you against fear, against adversity. Just one thing. He didn’t say this one thing makes us perfect, but rather makes us just a little bit better.

Commiting to regular exercise, engaging in daily learning, exploring new places, these are some of the habits we inspire our community to be on track for achieving a successful living. 

Wear better every day

Be part of a movement that values growth, resilience, and the confidence that comes from knowing you're evolving, day by day.

Don’t explain your philosophy. Wear it.

Check all pieces with our better every day message.

Devote the rest of your life to making progress.
— Epictetus


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