I don't wanna move fast.
I want to move correctly.
I want to waste no time.
Do not waste time
For many, time is like water for the proverbial fish that have no idea what water is, they are surrounded and reacting to it.
Time is a construct we created to support our minds to reason, measure, catalog, and understand change — when something happens relative to other things.
Time keeps our memories in the context of a lifetime.
Value your time. It is all you have.
It's more important than your money.
It's more important than your friends.
It is more important than anything.
Your time is all you have.
Do not waste your time.
4000 weeks
Let's assume we live to be eighty, we have about four thousand weeks to live.
Broadly speaking, time management is all life is.
Seneca reminds us, "nothing is ours, except time.
Nature has given us ownership of just one fleeting thing—time, which can easily be taken from us. How foolish we mortals are!
They keep track of the least valuable things which can easily be replaced. Yet, they never consider themselves in debt when they've been given something truly precious — time!
Time is the one thing we borrow that even the most grateful of us can't repay.
You might wonder how well I follow my own advice.
I'll be honest with you—I keep a careful check on my expenses. I'm generous but mindful.
I can’t say I don’t waste anything, but I can tell you what I’m wasting, why it’s happening, and how it’s going.
Memento mori
We often realize too late how precious our time is. We’re tight-fisted with our money and possessions, yet don’t realize that we waste time–our only non-renewable resource–every single day. We can go at any moment, so we should treat our time as a gift, and focus only on what’s essential.
For generations, people have embraced this concept of memento mori in various forms, whether through art, jewelry, or rituals – and that’s why we created our own additions to the rich history with waste no time.
You have to know what you’re spending that life on.
Do not take a minute of it for granted.
Remind yourself to live.
Wear waste no time
In the end, life is short, opportunities are few, and you have only so much energy to draw on. And in this sense time is as important a consideration as any other. Never waste valuable time, or mental peace of mind, on the affairs of others—that is too high a price to pay.
Don’t explain your philosophy. Wear it.
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